Saturday, March 5, 2011

Simple Gifts & The Gift of Life

Day 2 & 3...see? I need grace!

Day two was yesterday. The simple gifts of life are abundant yet often overlooked. We get so wrapped up in our daily routine, housework, and trying to accomplish "life" that we miss out on the simple gifts. Have you ever noticed how a tragedy can turn this perspective upside down? One day, we're angry that our significant other was late to dinner...then you hear about a car accident that killed someone's husband...and now you're beyond grateful that your husband is simply alive. It's a shame that we often cannot find this gratitude without something tragic happening to us or another. I encourage you to take a moment to find 5 simple gifts in life that you are grateful for.

5 Simple Reasons for Gratitude:
  •  a coffee maker that brews the most delicious coffee which makes most mornings very enjoyable
  • a guest bedroom where our friends and family can sleep if they want to come visit us
  • a husband that strives to eat healthy (I do not so it is huge encouragement to me!)
  • my 2nd graders that continue to give me perspective about my very fortunate life
  • a computer that allows me to be able to blog

Day three is today and the chapter couldn't have been read at a better time. The author writes about how she and her husband spent a weekend fixing up a cabin that they own. She was in the shower after a long day of raking leaves and pine needles and was exhausted. While in the shower, her mind was racing as she thought about her long "to do" list to fix the cabin in such a way that it felt "together". At that moment, her husband tapped on the bathroom window and wanted her to come outside to watch the sunset with him. She then realized that the gift of being able to watch the sunset with her husband was enough. The gift of life. To be alive, healthy, and with her husband in the mountains was enough blessing to forget about everything else that mattered just 5 seconds ago.

I woke up this morning feeling the exact same way as she did when she entered the shower. How am I supposed to write two papers, lesson plan for next week, grade papers, clean our house, make dinner, grocery shop...the list goes on and on? And on top of all of a good wife?! It seems impossible. Ya know what? There is a good chance that I won't accomplish everything that I want to before Monday morning but right now, I am grateful for my cup of coffee in my hand and my husband, who is sitting beside me reading his Bible. We are off to Top Pot donuts (the best place ever) and the sun is shining and I am grateful for THAT this morning! Our house may be messy and papers may need to be written but life goes on regardless of whether I accomplish anything today. Thank you Jesus.


Day 4: Make a list of friends that you are grateful for and why.
Day 5: Consider God's creation and write down a creation that you are grateful for (flowers, trees, water, etc.).

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