Wednesday, July 14, 2010

1 Month!

Can you believe the "month" countdown comes to an end today and now the "day" countdown finally begins?! Let me tell you what, it has been a long 9 months leading up to this time! Tomorrow is the last day of summer school for me and then I can spend the next 4 weeks focusing on the wedding, nesting into our new apartment, and absolutely nothing else. I am so blessed to be able to have this free time ahead of me to make a few more memories with family and friends here in MT. And also to prepare the last of the wedding in a stress-free (fingers crossed!) manner. One of my friends once told me that being engaged was so fun for her and that she could've been engaged forever...but let's be honest, I am just ready to be married!!

My sister and I will head out early Saturday morning to make the long, 12 hour trek to Seattle with load #1 of gifts. We will have one packed car with just presents from my bridal shower! The question remains as to how in the world we will get our wedding presents from Billings to Seattle. Time will tell I guess ;) On Sunday morning, we'll pick up the Uhaul at 10a.m. to unload my storage unit! Yay, I'll have my life back! Thank goodness for Matt's brother and amazing friends because we couldn't move all our stuff without them. I will then spend about a week unpacking and setting up our home the best that I can in such a short time...I'll then come back to Montana for the wedding. Matt will move in when I leave and we'll wait to stay in the apartment together until we are HUSBAND & WIFE! Bout time.

Now that school is finally ending tomorrow, I can finally start blogging regularly and in one month, I promise I'll have more to talk about besides the wedding ;)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


Wow, I stink at blogging apparently! I promise that once Matt and I are married, I'll keep anyone who is following us way more up to date but for now, my days are swamped! This is the scoop...

-6 weeks of school done tomorrow, 1 more to go after that!
-approximately 5.5 weeks until our wedding ;)
-we found an apartment in Seattle in the Fremont neighborhood! If anyone wants to come visit, we have an extra bathroom and bedroom waiting for you so just let us know.
-Matt's brother, Jeff, moved in next door to Matt and is working at Boeing so they've been having brother bonding time.
-And...well...that pretty much sums up our life at this point...more to come later, promise (again)!