Sunday, February 27, 2011

check it out!

One more thing for today...

"Fearlessly Feminine" by Jani Ortlund. I have only ordered this book but it looks amazing and SHE is amazing so I'm sure it is amazing :) ha!

A Life of Gratitude...thank you Megan!

This weekend has been such a refreshing, restful weekend for both Matt and I. On Friday, we attended the Seattle Symphony for the first time which was wonderful. Yesterday, we spent the day at Mars Hill listening to Ray and Jani Ortlund talk about marriage and family. Ray Ortlund is a pastor at Emmanuel Baptist in Nashville. He and his wife, Jani, are the most amazing couple. They are in their 60's with four children and so in love with one another. We spent four hours listening to their advice about what it means to be a Godly wife, husband, mother, and father. We have been married for about 6.5 months now and sometimes, it is easy to think you've got it all figured out. Other times, we feel as though we have nothing figured out and wonder what business we have being married. Thank goodness for a loving God that distributes endless and abundant amounts of grace. I realize that my life should be a life of repentance and my marriage should be full of grace everyday. Grace and forgiveness are two qualities that one cannot live without. And if you do, your life would just be miserable. The reality of it is is that everyone will fail you at one time or another. Those that you love the most will have the most opportunities to let you down, and they will. This isn't because they don't love you or want to hurt you, it is because we are a fallen world full of broken people. Forgiving, having grace, and loving those who hurt you is a must.

Another thing that I am grateful for today is Megan's blog. Megan is a friend of Matt's from his Lake Tahoe summer project. I haven't actually ever met her but I do like to read her blog because she is a Jesus-loving, inspiring woman who continues to encourage and provide wisdom even to those who do not know her. She actually ended up marrying one of my Lake Tahoe summer project friends so I do know her husband! Anyways, she has started a project with her little family that I am absolutely loving reading about. As soon as I receive the book that goes along with the project, I am going to start it and blog about it each day as well. Basically, it will be a 31 day challenge that will begin to turn my heart towards living a life of gratitude. We have so many things to be grateful for and I believe we oversee or forget about a majority of those blessings in our day-to-day lives. I know I do anyways!

I should be receiving this book on Wednesday and cannot wait to share this little adventure with you. Just as Megan is doing, I will challenge you to begin this project with me as well. Let me know if you are interested in the book!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

don't blink

I feel like I'm living in the song "don't blink" by Kenny Chesney. Have you heard it?

Don't blink
Just like that you're six years old and you take a nap and you
Wake up and you're twenty-five and your high school sweetheart becomes your wife
Don't blink
You just might miss your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads next thing you know your "better half"
Of fifty years is there in bed
And you're praying God takes you instead
Trust me friend a hundred years goes faster than you think
So don't blink

Just like that I was six years old, taking a nap...and then I woke up and I was 25 and my high school sweetheart became my husband. My point being...I feel like my minutes, days, months, and years are beginning to speed up. I can only imagine how much faster it will go when I have children. Each day is so precious...yet it seems hard to simply live for today. This is such a unique time in my life. Just Matt and I living in Seattle having endless amounts of fun and adventure. I know that we'll look back at these days and miss them. How can I slow down and take a look around? I feel like this blog is kind of like that...I can look back and read how we've felt, what we've done, and remember the blessings. For once in my life, I don't feel like I'm living for the future which is refreshing...I just want to make sure that I don't miss out on each 24 hour day. 

With that said, today is my very first SNOW DAY ever!! What to do? When I logged onto the district's website this morning to see that "all schools closed" message, I immediately thought of that Nickelodean movie "Snow Day". When I was little, I used to watch it all the time and then grieve the fact that that would never happen to me. Growing up in Montana meant no sympathy for any amount of snow or low temperatures. So...yep...I'm now living out my childhood dream of having a snow day...I feel like the opportunities are endless! It is 5:45 a.m. and I don't even want to go back to bed...I just want to snuggle up in a blanket, drink good coffee, and watch hulu all day. I know that I didn't work for the first 5 months of our marriage but I never felt like I could indulge like this because Matt was hard at work. Now...I don't even have the option of going to work so whatever!

Here are a few photos from the Wallers coming to visit this past weekend! We had such a great time with them...

Before I go pour my coffee...I have to say one thing. Remember that Julia Child quote canvas that I liked and wanted to make? sweet husband made it for me for Valentine's Day! Did I mention how much I love this man? Here is a picture...kind of a bad photo but you get the jist :)

Saturday, February 12, 2011

my love

Sweet husband, ham & bean soup on the stove, wine, and a clean house at 9:20 on a Saturday night. Have I started writing my paper due at noon tomorrow? No. But life is short. I anticipate waking up early in the morning and enjoying a cup of coffee while Matt is snuggled warm in bed as I write my paper in silence and sunrise.

Well, today, I found my dream wedding gown. I know that sounds weird because I'm already married but for was my dream gown. Maybe Matt will let me buy it and just hang it in the closet until we renew our vows one day? Pssh...ya right. Sometimes a certain someone and I (you know who you are) talk about how we want a wedding redo....with the same husband of course! But let's just face it, your decorations, colors, and wedding dress all turn into old news at one point. Styles change, new ideas emerge, and only get married once! I do LOVE everything about my wedding day though, so I need to treasure the sweet, precious memories that I have. I look back and realize that all of the people that we love the most were in one place. Every single person that has loved both Matt and I and been such a blessing in our lives were there to celebrate the beginning of our forever. I love that. I want to relive that moment forever and ever. Unfortunately, it's a one time event. I'm just grateful and feel beyond blessed to get such an amazing husband out of the deal :)

Matt has been such an amazing help over this last month. I am so busy with school and work that it's hard for me to plan meals, do the laundry, clean, etc. I am so used to having time to do this all and I miss having that ability but Matt has made it an easy transition for me. I sometimes have to step back and realize that he isn't doing these things because he enjoys them (like I do) but because he loves me and wants to bless me! I love that man.

Friday, February 11, 2011

will you be mine?

We made valentines at school yesterday and as I was passing them out to the "mailboxes" after the kiddos left, I was proofreading them to make sure they were all appropriate. I just had to laugh at the difference between boys and girls when I read these:

Girl Valentine:

"Happy Valentine's Day, 'E'! I'm so glad we are friends. Wait, I think we are friends. Will you be my friend? Love your friend, 'R'"

Boy Valentine:

"'B', thanks for the lego. -'I'"

Haha! I can't post their real names but you get the jist...hilar right? And we expect what from our husbands and boyfriends on V-day?!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

it's the simple things

8:50 p.m. on a Wednesday night... grateful for...

* a sleeping husband (I just want to spend time with him when he is awake so homework is much more enjoyable when I don't have a choice)

*new pens...7 different colors

*a fabulous new legal pad with flowers at the top

*Piano music on Pandora

*one glass of red wine

*an "email hug" from a dear you K!

The above combo makes for a lovely evening of paper writing!

paved beauty

Man, I am on overload lately! I'm really awful at keeping this updated in recent weeks, not to mention...awful at every other thing I try to accomplish as well :) For the past four weeks, married life as we knew it ended. I went from not working at all to working about 40 hours a week at school and then occupying another 5-10 hours of my time writing a thesis. Matt is a trooper though and is great at helping with everything. He loves to cook (and is great at it...thank you Julie Waller!)

I love all 29 of my little 2nd grade munchkins...they bring so much joy to my life and are constantly making me laugh. It is a definite challenge but I leave the classroom everyday feeling refreshed and like I said before, that they have taught me more than I have taught them. Each student comes from a different family life; many of them not having a great home life which makes me want to take every one of them home with me at the end of the day. Be praying for them even though you don't know them!

Also, I am beyond grateful for new friendships amongst my co-workers and community group. I'm finally finding my niche in this big city...very refreshing and exciting! Let's see, what else? Well, I'm not sure what I was thinking but Matt has talked me into riding in the STP! The STP is a bike race that begins in Seattle and ends in Portland. What am I thinking? Not exactly sure...but it does give me a reason to ride my bike a lot and with the temperatures being in the 50's with the sunshine, I won't complain about that. Our friends, Duncan & Steph, are riding with us too! Let the training begin...the race isn't until July so let's keep our fingers crossed that I can be ready to ride at least halfway and that my adrenaline keeps me going for the last half :) So today, I am grateful that I can leave my garage, ride two blocks to a paved, 27 mile bike trail that lets me ride alongside Lake Union, Lake Washington, Husky Stadium, and the Ballard Locks. One more thing to love about Seattle.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


Thankful for a job that I am excited to go to each morning...that I miss when I'm away on the weekends...and that continually reminds me to be grateful for what I have.