Wednesday, July 27, 2011


"the only thing that'll ever be constant in life is change"

Very wise words...not sure who said them but very wise. My sweet friend, Brenna, and I were chatting last night about life and how sometimes we wish things would stay just as they are in that moment forever. Sometimes I feel like that about my life now...I've come to a place of comfort that causes me to be stagnant. Stagnant in my relationship with God, stagnant in my ambition to reach goals, stagnant in my relationship with Matt, friendships, etc. It's not necessarily a bad thing to be comfortable but it can be.

I woke up thinking about a blog that I read from time to time that continues to inspire me. I felt the nudge to read it as I was lying awake in bed so I grabbed my blackberry and started reading. I had read her latest post a while ago but read it again today...she talks about her husband changing jobs, moving to new homes, raising a munchkin, and doing it all by the grace of God. Her life is continually changing in unpredictable ways but her peace in His plan shines through her writing. She continues to grow in faith simply by trusting in the Lord's plan for her life even if she doesn't always know how something may work out in the end. It made me realize that moving to Charleston is only a baby step in this life that we're called to live.

A friend of mine from my summer project and the husband of the blogger mentioned above :) posted a quote by Francis Chan..."Why would we need the Comforter when we are so comfortable already"

Very true...let's not get too comfortable.

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