Monday, April 4, 2011


Karen says it better...

Nowhere is the giving and receiving of love more evident than in our closest relationships. Those who truly love us stand by us. They teach us that love is patient. They don't blow up if we're late for a dinner date or if we have to work overtime once in a while. And they continue to love us even when we disagree or disappoint them. 

They show by example that love is kind. They remember we're human, still learning and growing, and that we make mistakes sometimes. And they seem to know that criticizing us doesn't help us change for the better.

They teach us that love is not jealous. They give us room to develop at our own pace. They don't object if we want to take a class or take a nap. We sense that they respect us and trust our decisions.

We learn by their example that love does not take into account a wrong suffered. They don't blame us or burden us with their hurts. They don't wear their pain like a badge of honor or get stuck in criticism or complaint. They show by their own lives that it's healthier to live in the present than to linger in the past.

These special people show us that love never fails. They don't withhold their love until we shape up, measure up, or live up to their standards. We've learned through them that love is faithful and honest and loyal, no matter what.

"Without love, as Paul reminds us in 1 Corinthians, we become
"a sounding gong or a clanging cymbal". Nothing else matters if we don't
have love. Even gratitude is a clanging cymbal if love is not 
driving its force. Love is much more than a feeling
that comes and goes like a morning breeze. 

Love is a decision. 
Love requires discipline. We know from our own experience
that healing power of God's love. Without His love
we wouldn't be able to put the past to rest, start fresh
in the present, and hope for what is yet to come. No lasting
transformation can occur in our lives without God's love.

The decision to love also challenges us to express love according
to God's will, not our whims. And when we love with His guidance and counsel,
He will give us the means to remain faithful as spouses, parents,
and friends. He will free us to see and experience the love others have for us."

Day 18: 
How has being love affected your gratitude?
Write out a list of ways you give and receive love and then add it to your Jar of Blessings.

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