Wednesday, October 17, 2012

1 Month

(I wrote this post a while Jack is almost 2 months old...but I wanted to publish it anyways so I can look back and remember what 1 month brought us in his life :) An up-to-date post soon to follow with lots of cute pictures!)

 I know, I know...I change my blog more than anyone you probably know but I get bored. And it's fall, I couldn't help it. Oh, and notice the awesome family photo in the corner...courtesy of the talented Brianne Haagenson!

This past month has been such a surreal whirlwind of both blessing and lots of prayer. Bringing a child into this world is one of the greatest yet scariest things. Jack is amazing but every day is a learning experience for both Matt and I. We are constantly laughing, loving, and smiling at him but our patience is also tested from time to time. I am beyond grateful for this although because I truly believe it has enhanced our marriage and lives.

1 Month @ A Glance:
Some of Jack's signature moves that he has displayed over the last 5.5 weeks include extremely loud grunting (both awake and while sleeping), stretching his arms into the air with fists squeezed shut, smiling and laughing in his sleep, gaining 6 pounds (yes, 6), eating at every chance he gets, and sighing with every breath while asleep (I just realized how funny he is when he sleeps). He loves sleeping on mommy and daddy's chest more than any other place. He also loves being patted on the butt and back but does not like his back rubbed. I think he's ticklish. Just this week, he has started to smile when you make funny faces at him and he LOVES being kissed...he think it's hilarious!

Tomorrow, we are taking Jack to the greatest place on earth...Montana! It will be his second plane time traveling via air...he's a frequent flyer already! Everyone is so excited to meet him!

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