Saturday, September 1, 2012

our sweet little love...Jack {Part 2...Week 1}

We came home Saturday afternoon just after lunch. After the scariest car ride ever, we walked inside, put the carseat down and decided we weren't going to leave the house ever again :) The first thing I did was crawl into bed with Jack and we took a nap together...I was so tired, I could barely function. I had slept a total of 5 out of the prior 72 hours. This fatigue quickly went away though. Jack has been an amazing sleeper ever since we got home. I don't blame him for being crabby in the hospital, I wasn't comfy in my bed either. Matt has been home this entire week. It has been fun to spend these days as a family of 4 (Raleigh included), I couldn't have asked for anything more. Matt has been an amazing help, I couldn't have survived this week without him! As I look back on the individual days, they are kind of a blur but I'll remember them with a perfect.

Sweet boy Jack, 

You are such a blessing in Mommy & Daddy's life. You are perfect. We loved you the second we found out you were going to be a part of our family but fell even more in love the second we met you. You smell so sweet...your body and your breath. We love the way you smile in your sleep and purse your lips when you dream. You snuggle into us so soundly, it is hard to ever put you down. You only cry when you need your diaper changed or when you are hungry and sometimes, not even then. You are very mellow...always looking around and taking everything in. Your puppy loves you. She always wants to be by you and watching you. She whines if she can't see you in your bed so we prop her up to assure her that you're in there and that everything is ok. You don't mind when she tries to lick you, nudge you, or paw you. I think you already love her too. I know you'll be best friends soon.You only wake up one or two times during the night so I have to wake you up sometimes...a dream baby. You eat SO much but that's ok because it makes your cheeks extra cute! You are so strong. The doctor told us to never leave you alone because you move on your own already. You love your daddy so much. When he holds you, you just stare at him forever. When I hold you, just want to eat :) You kind of have big feet but they are still cute as ever. We love the way your hair is already combed over...a true southern boy. We love to kiss your tiny neck, your skin is so soft. You have hairy ears which we think is hilarious and cute as can be. The doctor told us you would lose that hair but we kind of hope you don't...not for a while anyways! Your forehead wrinkles are to die for. And the way you cross your eyes always gives us a smile. We can hold you really close to our face to look you in the eye and you never cry, you just stare back. We love you so much, there are no words. Thank you for making me the only thing I've ever known I wanted to be, a mommy.

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