Well, on March 1st, I turned 24 1/2. That's right, it was my half birthday. Now, normally it's just a huge joke that all started when my friend, Maria, started making a big deal out of her 1/2 birthday when we were in high school. From then on, we always will wish each other a "happy half birthday" and sometimes, birthday cakes are even involved. Well, I only sarcastically joke about my 1/2 birthday...teasing Matt by telling him we need to celebrate or that he has to buy me a present!
This picture below shows you why I'm marrying this man (well not the only reason but 1 of the millions). I was just sitting in my living room watching TV and he comes trotting in my front door with cherry pie topped with lit candles singing "happy half birthday to you..."
Notice the princess plates ;)
umm... that i the cutest thing I have seen in a long time. Matt really is a keeper :)