Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Seattle summer & our baby is almost 1!

Can I just tell you how much I love the sunshine of Seattle? I can't even remember the last day that we have seen rain, and when it has been here, it has been short lived. Thank you Jesus! Being outside with my boy is the best.

We unexpectedly have spent nearly the last two weeks in Montana. Despite the circumstances, it's always good to be "home". Montana is simply the best...no other way to put it. Friends, family, and the blue skies that go on forever. I love it.

In just three weeks, our sweet little babe is turning 1! How does this happen so quickly? He is the love of our lives and brings so much joy to our days.

11 months... not walking yet, but almost! takes a few more steps on his own everyday...says "mama", "dadda", "no, no, no, no", is becoming a pickier eater (slimy things make him gag, but he loves all things dairy and carbs just like his mama)...has had 2 haircuts (thanks Sarabeth!)...hates grass...loves his puppy RB...loves balls and crawling around with one in each hand...crawls around with blocks, etc. in his mouth...


  1. It really is a little ridiculous how cute that baby is!! I love him! I need to squeeze him in person soon, please!

  2. Is it too presumptuous to assume that your plastic cup in your flight photo is filled with free wine? Haha great post sissy!
