Monday, February 11, 2013

eating, rolling, & mama's leavin!

Our sweet little nugget is almost SIX months. As always...where does the time go?! Halfway to a year? whaaaaat? I realized yesterday that Jack has lived in Seattle for as long as he had lived in Charleston. Crazy talk. Once the holidays were over, we finally had a chance to just relax and settle into our apartment. I'm quickly realizing how challenging it is to have a baby, a dog, and two grown adults in a tiny apartment but not trying to wish this time away as it is also nice and easy to keep clean :) Jack hasn't reached too many "milestones" quite yet unless massive weight gain counts as a milestone. I used to think that I would be anxious for him to crawl or be mobile but as I look around at my non-babyproofed house, I find myself wishing differently. He can now roll over like a champ, has started eating solid foods other than oatmeal (and LOVES them), and talks and talks. He must get that from his dad because no one else runs their mouth in this house... oh wait...

Jack's favorite things at 5.5 months include: smiling, laughing (watch below), rolling, chewing on everything, drooling, watching RB and pulling on her ears when she gets close enough, watching Sesame Street while mommy drinks coffee each morning, and jumping in his bouncer (also watch below...although this was slightly after he turned 4 months when he couldn't touch the ground quite yet :)).

Our nights are...well...not restful these days. I always bragged about Jack being the best sleeper. Foot.In.Mouth. He has been regressing and thinks that waking up approximately every two hours is super fun for the past week or so. Teething? Separation Anxiety? Overtired? WHO KNOWS but it's not funny to his mama or daddy. Lots of coffee being brewed in this house as of lately. Any of you mamas out there have this problem at this age?

As for other news, I will be leaving this sweet baby for the first time next Friday. I'm meeting my friend, Brianne, in Austin, Texas for a photography workshop. I have a mixture of emotions about this. Excitement, dread, nervousness, sadness....sensing a pattern? I know it will be fine. Grandma Jules is coming to stay with Matt for the weekend and Jack will be in the best of hands but I just might be an emotional wreck. I should probably just apologize in advance to all of the other workshop attendees for my inability to talk or think about anything other than my child. Not to mention, my frozen breastmilk will be floating amongst the food in the fridge in the beautiful, Texan home we'll all be sharing. Good times! :)

Well, that's all that's new in the life of this Waller family! Just enjoying the Seattle sunshine rain and looking forward to spring and summer!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh his laugh is AWESOME. Thank you for posting this video!! Also, you are hilarious. My fave line: "He must get that from his dad because no one else runs their mouth in this house... oh wait..." :)
