Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Jack's 1st Christmas

I heard a few wise words recently and obviously didn't take them to heart. So I will repeat and you must listen if you know what's good for you... "Advice for taking an 800 mile road trip with a baby? Don't do it". We used to just throw a few outfits in a duffel, grab a Starbucks, and hit the road for 12 hours to get home to Billings. We most likely would stop to go pee two or three times, fuel up, and grab a candy bar. Well...things are a little different. The car was PACKED was baby must haves (crazy how these tiny humans require so many large items), Christmas presents, a carseat, a dog, and 2 adults. Matt's new co-pilot is now a canine that actually really sucks at keeping Matt entertained and I have been moved to the back seat. I spent my 800 miles singing Christmas songs, shaking rattles, making ridiculous faces and noises, and changing poopy diapers. Goodnight, we have arrived.

Once we made it to Montana, it was of course mad chaos and just a few hours of sleep here and there but as always, it was so good to be home. I should be grateful that we were able to drive back home this year instead of spending a horrendous amount of money on two plane tickets to get home from Charleston. Glass half full, eh?

Jack woke up late on Christmas morning, I even tried to wake him up in my excitement of his first Christmas morning. Santa had come and filled our stockings and still Jack was less than impressed. Must not be my child...

****One last important message...for those of you who do not understand the graphic on Jack's onesie on our Christmas card, WHO ARE YOU? Go watch A Christmas Story right now and you will understand! Seriously, I don't care if Christmas is over. After you watch the movie, you will then understand that I am not a crazy mom who dresses her 4 month old in inappropriate clothing.

Jack must hate pictures as much as his daddy does :)
all ready for Christmas Eve service!
bad photo...Erin has better ones but so good to see you Mr. Bennett!
Jack biting his great granny!
Jared, Matt, and our munchkins!
Jenny and I in our colored pants!
a peaceful moment in our roadtrip :)
Moose Mugs on Christmas morning!

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