Wednesday, October 26, 2011

we survived week 1!

Week 1 with Miss Raleigh went surprisingly well. Goldendoodles are smart puppies but the thing that I failed to think about in this case is that they are so smart, you cannot let them get away with anything even once! They learn to trick you into things and then never forget the way you respond to their sneaky ways. Showing dominance has been key this week (and in the weeks to come). Once she learns we're boss, the better. The first few days at home, she was extra cuddly because she was probably nervous and just getting used to the new pad. Well, that didn't last too long and now she is a little TOO comfortable and thinking she owns the joint. We quickly figured this out and started limiting her space that she is allowed to roam on her own. If she comes in the back bedrooms, she has to stay by our side and sometimes even on her leash. At the beginning of the week, she had no idea how to walk on a leash and as of yesterday, she's a pro. This doesn't mean she always likes it but she's learning. Amy introduced us to the miracle of vinegar water. If she chews on anything or anyone (US!), a little vinegar water takes care of that right away. At first, she liked the vinegar so I had to spice it up with a little more vinegar and now she hates it. It seems to be a one or two time-thing because she hasn't had a repeat chew or bite on anything we've sprayed with the vinegar. Okay, enough about Raleigh!

This week, we attended two lowcountry boils. For those of your northerners :), this is basically just shrimp, sausage, potatoes, and corn all boiled together in a stockpot and dumped onto a table for everyone to go at it. It's amazing how many people it feeds, let alone how inexpensive & delicious it is. I can see why they're so popular. Along with the first lowcountry boil at the neighbors, we also steamed a huge pile of oysters and just cracked them open and ate them right off the table. I've never been a huge oyster fan but these were so naturally salty so the flavor was amazing. We are really liking the neighbors. They are so fun...Bucky (I believe his real name is something Bradley (or some B name) Goodson Dudley III)...true southerners, and his girlfriend Ashley. Ashley is from Illinois. Anyways, we had dinner with them at a restaurant down the road from us called Basil. Asian food is not a popular sight down here but this place was pretty delicious. Such a fun night with them. We also had the privilege of spending some time with one of Jeff's good friends from back home, Tanner Sutton. We first went to an Italian place with him downtown and then he cooked us dinner at his amazing townhouse right on the water. He has a beautiful home and some fun roommates. Melissa joined us with some delicious cream cheese brownies which topped the night off perfectly! 

This weekend, we carved pumpkins with Blake & Erin which was really fun (photos below!). It was the first night we've had guests over with Raleigh and oh how the dynamics have changed. I know it'll get easier but I continually had to leave our conversations to take her potty and she is a bit distracting when just trying to chit chat. It's cute and fun but it was one of her crazy nights because she had been home for the previous hours before that while Matt and I were at the other lowcountry boil so you could tell she was a little anxious to get out and play with us. I figured it's okay & that they will soon be in the same situation with their BABY! Erin finally blogged about it so I feel like it's okay to also announce :) I think most of you Seattlites know B & E...and yep, Baby Rasmussen is due to show his/her face in exciting to be able to have a little munchkin around to ooh & aww over!

Well, I think that's about as far as the excitement goes around here. We're just trying to enjoy this fall weather, it has been such a welcomed's forecast, 74 & sunny. Can't complain about that.

Next on the agenda, visits from Paul & Amy, Mitch & Brenna, and Dad & Jenny! Going to be a FUN & much needed November!!
Some photos of what's been going on...

The Schindlers were in town for the week and we got to play with Caroline!
little diva!
RB's first day at the beach!

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