Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Life of Gratitude...thank you Megan!

This weekend has been such a refreshing, restful weekend for both Matt and I. On Friday, we attended the Seattle Symphony for the first time which was wonderful. Yesterday, we spent the day at Mars Hill listening to Ray and Jani Ortlund talk about marriage and family. Ray Ortlund is a pastor at Emmanuel Baptist in Nashville. He and his wife, Jani, are the most amazing couple. They are in their 60's with four children and so in love with one another. We spent four hours listening to their advice about what it means to be a Godly wife, husband, mother, and father. We have been married for about 6.5 months now and sometimes, it is easy to think you've got it all figured out. Other times, we feel as though we have nothing figured out and wonder what business we have being married. Thank goodness for a loving God that distributes endless and abundant amounts of grace. I realize that my life should be a life of repentance and my marriage should be full of grace everyday. Grace and forgiveness are two qualities that one cannot live without. And if you do, your life would just be miserable. The reality of it is is that everyone will fail you at one time or another. Those that you love the most will have the most opportunities to let you down, and they will. This isn't because they don't love you or want to hurt you, it is because we are a fallen world full of broken people. Forgiving, having grace, and loving those who hurt you is a must.

Another thing that I am grateful for today is Megan's blog. Megan is a friend of Matt's from his Lake Tahoe summer project. I haven't actually ever met her but I do like to read her blog because she is a Jesus-loving, inspiring woman who continues to encourage and provide wisdom even to those who do not know her. She actually ended up marrying one of my Lake Tahoe summer project friends so I do know her husband! Anyways, she has started a project with her little family that I am absolutely loving reading about. As soon as I receive the book that goes along with the project, I am going to start it and blog about it each day as well. Basically, it will be a 31 day challenge that will begin to turn my heart towards living a life of gratitude. We have so many things to be grateful for and I believe we oversee or forget about a majority of those blessings in our day-to-day lives. I know I do anyways!

I should be receiving this book on Wednesday and cannot wait to share this little adventure with you. Just as Megan is doing, I will challenge you to begin this project with me as well. Let me know if you are interested in the book!

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