Judging by my blogroll over here to the right, I am not the only person who hasn't blogged in MONTHS. I don't know why I stopped back in October, I generally like chatting about nothing via the world wide web and I really have no idea if peeps read this but it serves as a journal for our sweet family. I just read posts from 2013 that made me smile and were the reminders of everyday, mundane to most, joy that fills my life. My days are a blur lately as time seems to go a little faster each and every day. I don't want to forget the moments but I know that if I don't write them down somewhere, most will be fleeting. Sadly.
Recently, I have come to follow Jacqui of Baby Boy Bakery blog. She recently lost her 3 1/2 year old son tragically...I don't want to get into the details but basically it has served as a huge wake up call for me. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Jack with all my heart. Every single little piece of him...I really do. I know that I need to treasure every second with him but head knowledge and heart knowledge don't always align in my world. I can't stop thinking about Jacqui, her son Ryan, and her husband. Reading about her story and looking through her instagram scrolls of her little boy breaks my heart into a million pieces and I don't even personally know them. I truly can't imagine ever having to experience anything as painful as that but I know that this happens far too often. A parent losing a child... I can't imagine anything more heartbreaking.
With that said, I have a whole new perspective on midnight cries from Jack's room, waking up at 6am when my eyes are still glued shut and he is ready to party, poopy diapers, and every other challenging moment of parenting. Yes, they are still a challenge but I am grateful for the hard moments more than ever. So incredibly grateful to be able to hear Jack cry and whine and see him throw tantrums. Seriously, I am. And I'm even more grateful for all of the joyous moments he brings to our life. I don't ever want to take a single moment with him for granted. He is such a blessing to our little family. Matt and I continuously stare at him in awe of how amazing he is. He is funny, happy, brave, strong, sweet, sensitive, and adventurous.
I think Jack was only 14 months the last time I blogged. Now he is 21 months old. So cliche, but seriously, WHERE DOES THE TIME GO?! We are still loving life in our tiny city apartment with the four of us. Our days go something like this....wake up, cartoons, coffee, pancakes, park, nap, Ballard locks, cupcake shop, popsicle, Frozen, and then daddy comes home. I don't ever want to forget these days with my little sidekick. He is so fun right now. He is starting to talk A LOT and knows exactly what he wants at all times. You can find him snacking on goldfish ("wish"), cheese, and toast at any given moment and he'll eat any kind of fruit until the cows come home but refuses to touch a piece of meat. I guess he is a vegetarian. His favorite place to be is outside, he loves blowing bubbles, has one speed (FAST), and has a new found hobby of flying a kite (has yet to get it in the air but that's a minor detail). He adores "addy" (Daddy) and "ollie" (Raleigh). He wants to FaceTime his Dede (my mom) at least 12 times a day and also loves listening to Spotify. He opens the app and picks his own songs... for realsies. He is as independent as they come. He hates holding hands and doesn't want to be carried or put in the stroller EVER. He prefers to walk and figure out things on his own as they come. Some may say stubborn, I say strong willed! :)
We sure love our little boy more than words can say and are so lucky that he is OURS.