Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Counting Down...

...the hours until graduation that is!

Tomorrow is Wednesday which marks halfway through the LAST week of graduate school. I cannot even begin to tell you how excited I am about this. As I sit and try to write my final paper, I cannot even think. I am confident to say that it is going to be one of the worst academic papers that I think I have ever written and the sad part is that I could not care less!

On Monday, Brianne asked me what was next in my life? I guess that was the first time I realized I was closing yet another life chapter and moving on to something new. I really felt the pressure of knowing where I was going after my undergraduate graduation but this time is different. I am completely content without a job and/or plan. This could be because I have a working husband but I also think it is much more than that...I don't feel pressured to have the right answer this time. I know that whatever happens next in my life is all part of a perfect plan and I can rest in just that.

So, for this weekend, I'm husband-less until Monday as Matt is spending the weekend fishing the Smith River in Montana with all his besties! I'm a little jealous but feel refreshed for him that he gets to do this. I'm so grateful to have a husband that has a love for the outdoors and adventure. You should've seen him packing, he was like a 5-year-old getting ready to go to Disneyland! He is cuddling up with the one and only Erik Haagenson all weekend so at least Brianne and I can text back and forth about how dumb it is that her and I aren't together. We totally got the shaft this time!

But the trade-off is pretty great...my dad will be arriving tomorrow night for work so we get to spend Easter together! That is nice...it's tough being literally across the country from him. He may have a stressful job but I'm grateful that it shoots him to the west coast from time to time. It'll be sad without Matt but I won't have to worry about him not having just as much fun!

K...better get to bed...as you can also see, I'm totally slacking on my book. We are far past the 31 day mark but I still want to blog about it when I get the chance... (post Friday probably :))


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